Radish - Sparkler Seeds
Radish Sparkler
Bright red radish with clear white tips. Shaped like an olive with very small tap roots. Crisp, white, juicy flesh. Tops are short and medium green. Best when eaten small.
Light Requirements: Full Sun
Seed Spacing: 1/2 - 1 inch
Row Spacing: 6-12 inches
Seed Depth: 1/4 inch
Days to Sprout: 6-10
Days to Harvest: 24
Direct seed as soon as the fround can be worked in the spring. Repeat every two weeks except during hot weather.
Water regularly and fertilize when plants have 4-6 leaves. thin to two inches apart in the row when two inches high.
Harvest when young and mild. Begin pulling when roots are 1/2 inch across.
Supplies smalls amounts of vitamins and minerals.