Bean - Kentucky Blue Pole Seeds
Kentucky Blue Pole Garden Seed
All America Selections Winner. Kentucky Blue has an outstanding combination of quality characteristics from its Kentucky Wonder and Blue Lake parents. Healthy, vigorous vines produce 6-7 inch round, relatively straight pods. Pods develop light strings as they mature.
Light Requirements: Full Sun
Seed Spacing: 4-6inch
Row Spacing: 36 inch
Seed Depth: 1-2 inch
Days to Sprout: 5-10
Days to Harvest: 58
Select sunny, well-drained location and sow seed in late spring after all danger of frost is past. Plant pole varieties in hills 3 feet apart each way, dropping 5-6 beans in a hill and set a pole firmly in each hill. Train plants to climb in one direction around the pole.
When plants are established, thin to the 3 strongest plants per hill. Water regularly and fertilize when 3 inches tall. Cultivate frequently, but lightly.
Pick regularly when pods are plump.