Planting Information

Click on a plant category below for planting guides, plant care tips and videos.


Planting Guide

1. Dig a hole 1.5 times as wide as the diameter of the rootball. Depth of the hole should be equal to depth of the rootball.

2. Set plant in the hole so the top of the rootball is even or slightly above ground soil level.

3. Refill around the rootball with a mix of 1/2 existing garden soil and 1/2 Earl May Organic Planting Mix blended with Earl May Structure. Step down on soil to eliminate any large air pockets.

4. Build a soil ring the size of the rootball around the plant, to help hold in water.

5. Add a 2 inch layer of mulch around the plant, keeping mulch away from the trunk.

6. Water slowly with Earl May Plant Start mixture right away. Enjoy watching your new plant grow!

Plant Care

• Use Earl May Plant Start at time of planting to reduce transplant shock. Repeat once every 2-3 weeks during the growing season to promote healthy roots.

• Keep soil moist, but not wet, until well established. Water weekly or more often during hot, dry stretches. Avoid over-watering by checking soil dampness before watering. To check moisture, check 2 inches below soil surface for dampness, as the soil may appear dry on the surface only.

• Mulch to conserve moisture and enhance appearance. Avoid pushing mulch up onto the trunk.

• Keep a plastic protective guard on the trunk until your new tree outgrows it.

Shrubs & Perennials  

Planting Guide

1. Dig a hole 1.5 times as wide as the diameter of the rootball. Depth of the hole should be equal to depth of the rootball.

2. Set plant in the hole so the top of the rootball is even or slightly above ground soil level.

3. Refill around the rootball with a mix of 1/2 existing garden soil and 1/2 Earl May Organic Planting Mix blended with Earl May Structure. Step down on soil to eliminate any large air pockets.

4. Build a soil ring the size of the rootball around the plant, to help hold in water.

5. Add a 1 inch layer of mulch around the plant, keeping mulch away from the trunk.

6. Water slowly with Earl May Plant Start mixture right away. Enjoy watching your new plant grow!

Plant Care

• Use Earl May Plant Start at time of planting to reduce transplant shock. Repeat once every 2-3 weeks during the growing season to promote healthy roots.

• Keep soil moist, but not wet, until established. Water frequently to prevent excessive wilt and foliage drying out. Avoid over-watering by checking soil dampness before watering. To check moisture, check 2 inches below soil surface for dampness, as the soil may appear dry on the surface only.

• Mulch to conserve moisture and enhance appearance. Avoid mulching up onto the plant's base.


Planting Guide

1. Dig a hole 1.5 times as wide as the diameter of the rootball. Depth of the hole should be slightly less than the depth of the rootball.

2. Set plant in the hole so the top of the rootball is slightly above ground soil level.

3. Refill around the rootball with a mix of 1/2 existing garden soil and 1/2 Earl May Organic Planting Mix blended with Earl May Structure. Step down on soil to eliminate any large air pockets.

4. Build a soil ring the size of the rootball around the plant, to help hold in water.

5. Add a 2 inch layer of mulch around the plant, keeping mulch away from the trunk.

6. Water slowly with Earl May Plant Start mixture right away. Enjoy watching your new plant grow!

Plant Care

• Use Earl May Plant Start at time of planting to reduce transplant shock. Repeat once every 2-3 weeks during the growing season to promote healthy roots.

• Keep soil moist, but not wet, until well established. Water weekly or more often during hot, dry stretches. Avoid over-watering by checking soil dampness before watering. To check moisture, check 2 inches below soil surface for dampness, as the soil may appear dry on the surface only.

• Mulch to conserve moisture and enhance appearance. Avoid pushing mulch up onto the trunk.

• Keep a plastic protective guard on the trunk until your new tree outgrows it.

• Spray needles or foliage with Earl May Wilt Stop.


Plant Care

• Periodically check planting bed to ensure bulbs remain adequately covered with soil.

• Moisture in the soil is important for bulbs to grow roots and eventually emerge through the soil. Supplement if a lack of measurable rainfall in the spring or until the ground freezes in the fall.

• Maintain adequate mulch to conserve moisture and provide a larger blanket of insulation.

• Deter rodents or pests with solutions recommended by your local Earl May Garden Center experts.

Planting Guide

1. Dig holes or a trench to a depth recommended on the bulb package label.

2. Set bulbs down in the hole paying attention to make sure the top side is facing up.

3. Add bulb food to the planting hole.

4. Refill with a mix of 1/2 garden soil and 1/2 planting mis and structure.

5. Add 3 inch layer of shredded wood mulch.

6. Water with Earl May Plant Start mixture.

As always, visit your local Earl May Garden Center and talk to our experts for answers to all your lawn care, gardening, landscaping and planting questions. See our Planting Playlist for more videos. Happy planting!