Houseplant Care Timeline

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February 17, 2023 at 7:09:44 PM PST February 17, 2023 at 7:09:44 PM PSTth, February 17, 2023 at 7:09:44 PM PST

Here’s a breakdown of the routine care you should do to keep your houseplants looking their best all throughout the year.

Weekly: Do a quick overall plant check-up.

  • Does your plant need water?

  • Look at your plants’ overall well-being. Does it look lush and happy?

  • Consider repotting plants that have become too larger for their current container.

  • Inspect closely to be sure it is free of common plant pests. You want to catch them early before you have a possible infestation.

  • Remove leaves that are yellowed, browned or withered. These leaves will not recover or get their original color back. with the right care, new leaves will grow.

Monthly: Give your plants a spa day. 

  • Wipe down the leaves with a damp cloth, or bring your plant to the bathroom and treat it to a gentle room temperature shower. Dust can collect on plant leaves in our homes. The leaf pores get clogged and the plant has a hard time taking in light. 

  • Remove any dead leaves and branches. Cut leggy growth back. Most plants will look better and grow back fuller and bushier after a good pruning.

  • Don’t throw away the cuttings. It is easy to water propagate many different houseplants plants.

  • Rotate or move the plant to a different spot if it needs more or less light.

Annually: When spring comes, get ready!

  • When the days get longer and lighter, most plants start their active growing period. This is when you might start adding (diluted) fertilizer to the water once a month to give your plant an extra boost.

  • Spring is a great time to get the kids involved in plant care. New growth, flowers, pruning, and propagating make it more interesting than caring for plants during winter dormancy.

  • Save your eggshells from breakfast and use them for added calcium in your potting soil.

  • If you need to repot your plant, do it during this spring growth spurt. The plant will have the energy to quickly recover from a repotting session. To find out if your plant needs to be repotted, check the roots. If they are coming out of the drainage holes on the bottom or circling the inside of the pot, it is time to move your plant into a bigger pot.

  • If you are dealing with high temperatures, ask your Earl May expert for care tips, and get your plants through the heat. On the other hand, when it gets colder there are a few other winter plant care tips to remember.