Compost - Cotton Burr

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After processing harvested cotton in a cotton gin, the remaining material, cotton burrs, are used to produce a top quality soil conditioner for use in landscape and gardening. Naturally occurring heat is used to destroy and weed seeds or disease-causing microorganisms that might be present. Nature Life will produce luxurious landscaping results and productive gardens to rave about. Do your plants a favor - use Nature Life Soil Conditioner! Nature Life is an organic, humus product processed from West Texas cotton burrs. It is superior in many ways to other soil additives. Nature Life's heat and moisture-controlled process ensures a consistent, high-quality product that is free of weed seeds.

Instructions for Use

Landscape & Flower Beds

Spread Nature Life Soil Conditioner 1 to 2 inches thick and then turn or till to a depth of 2 to 4 inches deep.


Spread Nature Life Soil Conditioner 3 to 4 inches thick and till to a depth of 6 inches.


Nature Life Soil Conditioner has a normal pH of 7.4.

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