Maypark Grass Seed Mix
An Earl May exclusive, this is truly an ultra-premium blend for that picturesque lawn.
Maypark lawn seed combines the very best fine-bladed grasses on the market. Our professionals have blended the best bluegrasses for sun along with just enough fine fescue to tolerate those shady spots. You will be rewarded with a thick, lush carpet of green from early spring until late fall.
- Top quality seed unconditionally guaranteed to grow and develop into a high quality lawn, when properly handled
- Lush, deep green color from early spring until late fall
- Good disease resistance, distinguishing Maypark from cheaper mixtures
- Performs well with in a 1.5 to 2.5-inch mowing height range
- Extensive tillering and rhizome growth provides dense growth to replace plants.
- Good traffic wearing quality with the ability to fill in thin or base areas rapidly
50 pound bag
Approximate seeding rate for new lawns: 2.5 to 3 pounds / 1000 square feet. For over-seeding an established lawn, apply at approximately one half of the above rate.